Her photographic work is characterised by an emphasis on compositional elements such as light, detail, storytelling and the capture of memories that reside within the mind. A significant proportion of her work comprises an introspective exploration of the boundaries between reality, perception and emotion. Photography provides her with a source of solace and a conduit through which she can delve deeply into the nuances of the world and the intricacies of the human mind.


Art + Communication Design F+F School of Art and Design

Accounting ibW Höchere Fachschule Südostschweiz


photoSCHWEIZ at Kongresshaus, Zürich

Volumes at Zentralwäsherei, Zürich

1994 – 2094


zürich, switzerland

1994 – 2094


zürich, switzerland

Her photographic independent work is characterised by an emphasis on compositional elements such as light, detail, storytelling and the capture of memories that reside within the mind. A significant proportion of her work comprises an introspective exploration of the boundaries between reality, perception and emotion. Photography provides her with a source of solace and a conduit through which she can delve deeply into the nuances of the world and the intricacies of the human mind.


-Art + Communication Design

F+F School of Art and


ibW Höchere Fachschule



Kongresshaus, Zürich

Zentralwäsherei, Zürich
